In a busy, noisy warehouse, people aren’t always aware that a forklift is on the move.Staying safe often comes down to remaining aware and having the right protective measures in place.
1. Have all employees complete safety training. Your company should have its own safety guide, complete with employee rules and regulations. Workers should be required to complete the training before setting foot on a jobsite, and refresher courses should be given on an annual basis. Training should cover safety protocol, emergency protocol, and first aid.
2. Equip every forklift with the same safety equipment and enforce the use of it. Seatbelts, caddies, and other gear should be mandatory, and there must be consequences for those who don’t follow company policies.
3. Assign each employee safety equipment and keep extras at entry points. Things like vests and hard hats should be assigned to each individual. However, you’ll also need to keep spares at entry points and midway points for employees who aren’t usually in the work zone.
4. Consider using colored systems at entry points and at the end of aisles for communication. Whether you opt for an LED light system or a basic colored flag system is a matter of preference, but these systems provide valuable communication about whether a worker should proceed, and what conditions he’ll find.
5. Alarm and illuminate electric pallet jacks. Although they generally pose less risk than a forklift, electric pallet jacks can cause injury as well. For this reason, you should consider adding backup alarms, blue lights, and strobe lights to all of yours.